Antler Chewz™, Inc. Health Tips


Deer Antler Mineral Analysis

Approximate % or PPM
Iron.................................... 38-42 PPM
Phosphorus.......................... 9-11%
Sulfur................................. 0.21-0.25%
Calcium.............................. 22-24%
Magnesium.......................... 10.5%
Potassium........................... 970-980 PPG
Zinc................................... 62-65 PPM

At different stages and for different sizes now you can choose an antler chew best suited for your dog's particular needs

Where do antler chews come from?

More than sixty kinds of deer, including moose, reindeer, caribou, and elk, grow antlers. The males use them as weapons, fighting other males for leadership of the herd or for possession of a mate. Composed of a bone-like material, they are unique to the deer family and regenerate each year. Antlers used as dog chews generally come from deer and elk.

Antlers are a renewable resource

Starting at one year, deer grow a new pair of antlers each year. The antlers sprout in the spring, and begin as layers of cartilage that slowly mineralize into bone. Until they completely mineralize in late summer (usually August), they are soft and easily damaged.

Antlers can grow up to one inch per day during the summer. As they increase in size, they start to branch out and develop a thin skin of fine fur called velvet.

The protective velvet covering dries when the antlers have reached their full growth, and the deer will rub the velvet off on trees. The antlers fall off in winter. With each successive year's growth, the antlers branch into more points until the deer has reached his prime.

No deer are ever harmed to make an AntlerChewz™ product

We use antlers collected from deer that have been naturally shed.

Nutritional information for antler dog chews

Naturally shed antlers are composed of many minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc (see chart above) and can be as much as 50% water. Studies have definitively confirmed that the chondroitin sulfate in velvet antler actually "helps restore joint function". Antler velvet's nutrients, such as glycosamino glycans, calcium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contribute to joint support and relieving inflammation. Recently however, research has established that the high level of chondroitin sulfate found in velvet antler acts like a "liquid magnet" attracting fluid into the proteoglycan molecules to ultimately help support animal cartilage. This is critical because this fluid acts as a spongy shock absorber and attracts nutrients into the cartilage. Without this fluid, cartilage becomes malnourished, drier and more fragile.

How do we choose the antlers for AntlerChewz™ product?

We choose our antlers based on weight, size, age, and softness. We only use top quality antlers as rated by our suppliers. Though antlers naturally vary in color from a grayish beige to almost white, we don't discriminate. Some antlers are softer than others, so we sort them in order to choose the best pieces for PuppiChewz™, VitaChewz™, SeniorChewz, MiniChewz™, VitaChewz Plus™.

Tips for Using Your Antler Dog Chews

Antlers chews make wonderful chews for dogs, but just like with any dog chew; it is important to supervise your dog. Here are a few tips to help your dog to enjoy the antler chew and keep him or her safe.

Choose the right size. Is the chew large enough so that there is no possibility that your dog could choke on it?

We sand the edges. But sometimes, with use, an edge can develop. So check it occasionally. If there are any, it is easy to remove them by rubbing the sharp edge against concrete or sandpaper.

Supervise your dog at first. Give the antler chew to your dog watch him while he chews it for at least the first few times.

Take away the antler chew if he is bearing down hard on the antler trying to break the antler chew in half. Make sure your dog is gnawing on the antler instead since chewing any hard chew this way could damage his teeth.

Do not allow your dog to chew more than an inch of the antler per day.

The antler chew will get worn down to a size small enough that your dog could swallow / choke on it. Take it away from your dog.

Antler dog chews are odorless. So if your dog isn't interested in the chewing the antler, try rubbing it with sandpaper or a nail file. If your dog still isn't interested in the antler, you could try rubbing it with a small amount of peanut butter or soaking it overnight in water in the refrigerator.

Why choose AntlerChewz™:

• Antlerchewz™ last much longer than rawhide.

• Antlerchewz™ are low in calories unlike pig ears and similar treats

• Antlerchewz™ are all natural with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives like starch based treats

• Antlerchewz™ contain minerals which are good for your pet

• Antlerchewz™ are odorless and will not splinter easily like livestock bones

• Antlerchewz™ help clean your dog's teeth
